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April 22, 2013

What if...?

In light of the past week's events, I have been reflecting upon many issues.  Lately, my health failed me a little, ok, a lot, and I have been struggling with keeping my Spirit up and looking at the bright side of things.  I kept saying to the Universe "it's ok, I'll get through this" - but I was not addressing the power of words.  We have a tendency to say "it's ok" when it is not.  When we just need to get through something, when we're not happy, when life keeps on handing some really big challenges.  I heard some of my friends say it, I heard myself say it, then I heard the media say it.  I am here today to say IT IS NOT OK.  None of what happened is ok.  Yes, we will face adversities, health challenges, heartbreaks, but they're NOT OK.  It's part of life, for sure, but so is Joy, Happiness, and everything that is Good.  So, what if I started saying to the Universe, when I feel like I have a mountain to climb in front of me, "wow, dear Universe, you must think I'm very strong today to bring me face to face with this one..." or "hey, there, easy..." or "this is NOT OK", rather than always accepting the mountain?  What if I made it a bit clearer to the Universe what my intention for my life truly looks like?  

Some people would simply read this and dismiss it with the belief that words cannot really affect the Path.  I probably lost some people with the word Universe.  Feel free to substitute that with Nature, God, Science... anything that makes sense to you.  What makes sense to me is that clearly stating your intention of how you want to live your life is powerful.  That you have the power to change things that are not ok, and it starts with your intention.  

So, what if... I was clear?

I intend to live a healthy, long, productive life, surrounded by people I love, who love me.  I intend my photography to be a vessel through which the Universe expresses beauty and with which it enriches the senses.  I intend to touch each Soul crossing my Path with kindness.   I intend for this life to be meaningful.  I intend to attract the energy that will allow me to see the beauty in everyone.  I intend for my life to be more than OK.  And to clearly state when it's not.  

What if the meaning of Life was simply to be happy?  In the midst of adversity, challenges, heartbreaks... just find a way to be happy?  My way is with photography.  What's yours?


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